Now let's make a plan for the next period. 现在为下一个阶段订个计划吧。
We believe, as I said in Jakarta, that it is timely now to proceed with that work and help to lower the tensions and create the code of conduct in the next period, hopefully in preparation for the East Asia Summit. 我们认为,就像我在雅加达说过的,现在是恰当的时候来展开那项努力,帮助减少紧张关系并在下一阶段制定出行为准则,但愿可以为东亚峰会作好准备。
In that case, the task will skip execution of this period and reschedule to the next period. 那样的话,那个任务将会跳过这段周期的执行,重新调度到下个周期。
As an accounting period is over, ending balances of the period change into beginning balances of the next period. 当一个会计年度结束的时候,这期的期末余额变为下期的期初余额。
The electronic commerce network security problem is a focal point which even the whole world will pay attention in current and next period of time. 电子商务网络安全问题是当前及今后一段时间内以致全球所关注的一个焦点。
The term closing the accounts refers to the end-of-period step that prepares the accounts for recording the transactions of the next period. 结帐是在某一会计期间的期末,将帐户结算清楚的会计程序,它是下一个会计期间登记交易记录的必要准备。
Don t talk with your friends or pass notes. don't do your homework that s due next period. 千万别跟朋友聊天,或是传纸条。也不要赶着做下节课要交的作业。
Closing sets the balances of the revenue and expense accounts back to zero in order to measure the net income of the next period. 通过结账,各收入和费用账户的余额都变成零,以便计量下一个会计期间的净损益。
The next period looks tougher. 接下来一段时期看来日子会更难过。
After a period of erosion, the upper hydraulic head is reduced and raised again for the next period of tests to simulate seepage erosion in breaking dike foundation. 一次渗透破坏发生后,降下上游水头,重复增加水头的过程,模拟地层在多次渗透破坏作用下,地层抵抗渗透破坏能力的变化。
Unconsumed planned independent requirement quantities increase the warehouse stock of the component, and cause procurement to be decreased or not to take place at all in the next period. 没有消耗的计划订单数量将会增加部件的库存。同时造成获取的减少,或在下一个期间不在采购。
During the next period we have to concentrate on the quality of the products. 下一阶段我们必须集中精力抓产品质量。
Collect the information about any part of United Kingdom in a group of four and then present it to us in the next period. 四人一组合作学习,通过网络搜集关于英国文化的任何一类信息,在下节课上呈现给同学们。
How do I market effectively_over the next period? 在未来的期间,我该如何有效地行销?
You must cancel your subscription before it renews each period in order to avoid billing of the next period's subscription fees to your Payment Method. 为了避免向你的支付方式收取下一周期的费用,你必须在每个周期更新之前取消你的订购。
Preparing a weekly or bi-weekly note that says what you did, where you are, and what you intend for the next period is a useful prod; 准备每周一次或每周两次记录下面的东西:你正在做什么,你已做到哪里,下一阶段你准备解决的重点问题;
Then it will store every calorie as fat, bracing itself for the next period of famine. 然后身体会将每一个卡路里都存为脂肪以为下一次饥饿做好准备。
The first quarter is traditionally Wall Street's strongest, providing up to one-third of the sector's annual profits, and market volatility would push many corporate and institutional clients to the sidelines not long after the next period began. 首季历来是华尔街最强的季度,对行业全年利润的贡献率可达到三分之一。进入次季后不久,市场波动往往会促使许多企业和机构客户离场观望。
I have a history test next period and a Spanish project due. 我下一段还有历史考试和西班牙文课程。
Through forecasting the future investment and execution condition of investment, the gist is provided for the decision maker to establish and control the investment of next period. 通过对未来投资和投资实施状态加以预测,为决策者提供制定和控制下一个时期的投资依据。
It is an important content of rural reform to merge the villages and towns in the next period. 乡镇撤并是今后一个时期农村改革的一项重要内容。
The results show that the next period decisions lie much on the current period decisions. 结果表明,下期的定价和广告决策很大程度上依赖于本期的定价和广告决策。
The next period we will adjust and standardize the distribution relation between government, enterprise and resident further, which our policies of income distribution aim to. 进一步调整和规范政府、企业和居民的分配关系,是今后一个时期收入分配领域调整政策、深化改革的重要目标和任务。
This is said that many of the problems of the course can not be completely resolved in the next period of time. 这既是说,影响拓展课程的许多问题在今后的一段时间内,是无法得到彻底解决的。
This indicates that the next period of time, the domestic economy will face greater inflation pressure. 这预示了未来一段时间内,国内经济将面临较大的通货膨胀压力。
In the last, the work of the paper is summarized as well as the suggestion of the next period of research work. 最后总结了本文取得的成果,并对下一步的研究工作提供了建议。
The task of transportation construction is still difficult and complex in the next period. 今后一个时期交通建设的任务仍很重,要加快交通发展,筹资是关键。
In order to adapt to these developments and changes, Shandong Nuclear Power Construction Ltd. compensation system and innovation in the next period of time is still worthy of our study are important topics for further research to establish a new direction. 为了顺应这些发展和变化,山东核电有限公司薪酬体系的建设和革新在未来一段时间内仍是值得我们研究的重要课题,为进一步的研究设立了一个方向。
On this basis, the author puts forward the guiding ideology, basic principles and overall objectives for the science and technology development of water resources in the next period in Shandong Province. 在此基础上,提出了今后一个时期山东水利科技发展的指导思想、基本原则和总体目标。
Then, it scientifically forecasted the domestic container throughput on the next period of time through the combination of regression forecasting methods and grey forecasting methods. 接着,运用回归预测和灰色预测相组合的方法,对未来一段时间内我国内贸集装箱吞吐量进行了科学预测。